Lots of updates!

What a summer. I can't believe my time in Charleston is almost over. I know I have a ton of cool things on the horizon, but I always get sad when it's time to leave home. I don't want to ramble on this entry, especially because it's late, and I don't want to procrastinate, so I'll just say what I need to say and close up.

Remember that speeding ticket that I mentioned? At least I think I mentioned it. Anyway, I got clocked going 91 in a 65 in NC, which is apparently the most hard crack-down state in the country on speeding. After much consideration, research, and advice, I hired an attorney to represent me. The firm was great when I called for more info, and assured me they would be able to get the charge reduced. It wasn't until the Friday before my Wednesday court date that my attorney's legal assistant realized, and informed me, that all of those options were probably not applicable to me. Finally on Tuesday they let me speak with my attorney, who tells me there is probably nothing they will do, but that he will talk to the DA.

I was told to expect the $281 fine, along with the max penalty of 12 months of license suspension in NC. Of course that's what ended up happening. Before completely freaking out, I dug into many official documents showing that this would not need to be disclosed on my future agent application because it's a traffic violation with a fine [barely] under $300. Of course it will still show on a background check, but it should not count against me, at least not much. For now the biggest inconvenience is having to navigate around NC when traveling. Between SC and Ohio is not a big deal. SC to NH is a big deal. I'll only have to deal with it twice, thankfully. Once in August when I drive up (and stop in PA for a bit) and again next May during one of my annual trips to Philly, which continues on to SC for Mother's Day. As you can see, the most direct route when circumventing North Carolina is not all that direct, and tacks on another 8-10 hours, and means an overnight stop when it would normally only take one day.

I started looking into study-abroad programs in Israel. I would like to spend a summer there in Ulpan (intensive Hebrew language study) and intensive Arabic. We'll see how it pans out, but it's looking good.  My Hebrew is coming along nicely while studying alone. Immersing myself in Israeli culture would be much better, though.

My class registration process is still coming along, slowly. It's insane, really. My alma mater is taking their sweet time in sending in my high school transcript. That's the only thing holding me up at this point. I should mention that the building still looks like a prison. Here is a shot of one of the entrances.

My condo is officially on the market. This is not what I wanted to do, but since my goal is to end up in DC by the time I graduate (Spring 2014 if I don't screw around), there would come a time to sell anyway. I am minimizing like crazy. The week of August 20, you should come to my house and either buy things, or take some things for free. I am going to only take what I can squeeze into a ReloCube. Becoming a true minimalist will save me money now and in the long run. Oh, and the very first showing was today. Whee! My official move-in date into the new place is Aug 26, although my cube won't arrive until the 29th. We'll camp out. My mom is driving up to help us get settled. That's gonna be really great, and I'm so glad she's coming up. 

I try to stay busy and out of trouble by helping around the house. The weener dogs are really enjoying spending the summer here. They will get to come back when we come down for Thanksgiving, and will stay until Christmas. That way I can relax on the cruise worry-free, knowing my dogs are safely at their Gramma's, where I never feel like they are a burden on someone, or unwanted. Here they are loved always. If you want to keep up with them, you can find their antics here

I also started training myself for my fitness test, which is a long way off, but I have to start sometime. Running, situps, and pushups. Great fun. Lexey loves to run with me, so at least I have a buddy. 

There has been quite a bit of drama going on lately, specifically on Facebook. The whole brew-ha-ha with Chick-fil-A, the denying of recognition of the 11 Israeli athletes murdered in Munich in 1972 at this year's Olympics, and other things I'm sure I'm leaving out. Losing friends is always stressful, but it happens, and it's better to only have people in your life who are real. Weed out those who suck the life out of you. I'll leave that at that, because this blog is supposed to be for life updates, not feelings. :)

My summer reading list has grown exponentially, while time and space have not. I've stayed so busy, and spent my nights that could have been spent reading, watching movies instead. I'm almost finished with Because They Hate (Brigitte Gabriel), and next will start on Beach Music (Pat Conroy) and American Assassin (Vince Flynn).

That post took like half an hour. Time for me to jet. Here are a couple more photos. Enjoy the rest of your summer! XOXOXO

Isle of Palms connector. I've never seen the marsh that green. Must be all that rain!

I had fun making rainbow jello cups.