So many first world problems

I will be so glad when I have a final answer, and a final plan. All of these "tentative" definite plans that keep getting wrinkles are making me crazier than I already am. It's so disconcerting wondering where I'll be living, what I'll be doing, and who I'll be close to, but not knowing for sure. There are so many pluses and minuses with each option. At least I know that regardless of where I'll be living, I start my classes online on September 4. I'm spending at least a couple of weeks in the PA/NJ/NY area probably in the middle of August.

I'm trying to keep things in perspective, and keep a positive outlook. To do this I try to browse memes at least once each day. First world problems help you remember that your problems, too, are first world problems.

I have so much work to squeeze in in the next two days. I'm really looking forward to spending the rest of the summer in beautiful Charleston, though. Mom and I might even jet over to Hilton Head for a couple of days! It's been way too long. Need to get back in the swing of our annual tradition, even if it's not Mother's Day now.

Have some more things to do this evening, then I am taking the two office managers here out for drinks and appetizers while we go over a bunch of stuff. I think it'll be a great time - I only wish I hadn't stayed awake until 6:30am. x_x Me and my 1wp.

Til next time.

I meant to be in bed by now.

I'm going to make this first post simple. My best friend pushed/encouraged me to start a blog to chronicle the massive "changes" going on in my life right now. Let's see if I can run through a quick timeline:

Dec '11: you're gonna lose your job! Merry Christmas! Oh, house furnace dies for $5k. 
Jan '12: Start lessons in Krav Maga (Israeli art of street fighting)
Feb '12: Start learning Hebrew. Decide to master Arabic and Farsi (Persian), two of the CIA's top desired languages, when you finish Hebrew.
Mar '12: decide to go back to school to earn BS in Justice Studies w/ concentration in Terrorism & Homeland Security. Begin fun process of navigating lots of red tape.
Apr '12: last month at company where you've spent the last 7+ years of your life. Spend copious amounts of time holed up in bedroom, splitting time between bed and sewing table
May '12: travel to Philly, Charleston, Toronto... 
June '12: ...Rochester, Louisville, and park it in Cincinnati for a few weeks for a consulting gig, collecting an actual paycheck instead of unemployment. Get awarded no financial aid because you make too much money, even without a job, so supplement some of those classes with more economical community college classes. Bump school start date from June to September. Whee!

Coming up:
Jul '12 - Aug '12: Summer in Charleston!
Aug '12: time in NYC and Philly
Sep '12: back to NH to start school and work (of some kind). 

I hope that answers some things for now. In case you're wondering why I'm a lucky bug, listen to the following. :3 Hopefully by God's hand I will continue to avoid windshields. Unlike the poor duck who smashed mine in the rain driving through upstate New York last month. Thank you for caring enough about what's going on in my crazy life to read this. I'll do my best to keep it updated, and feel free to troll or leave comments. Shalom!